Event 6

(Event description/ movement variations)


For time, two team members complete:

5 rounds of:

12 Toes to bar

7 Shoulder to Over head

Tag, two team members complete:

4 rounds of:

17 Toes to bar

7 Shoulder to Over head

Tag, the two remaining team members complete:

3 rounds of:

24 Toes to bar

7 Shoulder to Over head

(18min cap)

On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! The first pair of team members complete five rounds of 12 Toes to bar and seven shoulder to overhead. Once complete they will run to the finish at which time the next pair will complete four rounds of 17 Toes to bar and seven shoulder to overhead. Once complete they too will run to the finish at which time the last pair will complete three rounds of 24 toes to bar and seven shoulder to overhead.


  1. At all times all team members must be within their marked lane.

  2. This Event will be scored by time. Each repetition not completed one second will be added.



Shoulder to overhead weight:

During 5 rounds: 55kg

During 4 rounds: 85kg

During 3 rounds: 115kg

All Toes to bar are completed as synchronised repetition.


Shoulder to overhead weight:

During 5 rounds: 45kg

During 4 rounds: 65kg

During 3 rounds: 90kg

Toes to bar are completed as synchronised repetitions during the 4 and 3 round pieces.


Shoulder to overhead weight:

During 5 rounds: 35kg

During 4 rounds: 50kg

During 3 rounds: 70kg

Synchronised situps completed as repetitions during the 5 and 4 round pieces.


Toes to bar:

The competitor must be hanging from the bar with their arms at full extension, the heels must come behind the vertical plain of the bar and come up so that both feet make contact with the bar SIMULTANEOUSLY in between the hands. Where the rep scheme requires synchronisation, both feet of both competitors must touch the bar at the same time.


Each rep of the sit-up begins with the athlete’s back in contact with the floor, their knees bent, and their hands touching the floor above their head. At the top, the athlete will raise their torso so that their chest is upright and their hands touch their toes. Where the rep scheme requires synchronisation, both competitors will complete situps simultaneously passing a weight each repetition.

Shoulder to overhead:

The Barbell will move from the front rack position to a fully locked out overhead position, where the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows are locked out and inline. And the feet are placed side by side under the hips. The competitor may Strict or shoulder press the Barbell, or Push press the Barbell, or Push or power jerk the Barbell, or Split jerk the Barbell. The repetition is complete when locked out overhead under control.