Event 4

Rx (Event description/ movement variations)


For time:

>> Semi final

3 Squat Clean & Jerk @80/55

3 Squat Clean & Jerk @90/60

2 Squat Clean & Jerk @100/65

2 Squat Clean & Jerk @110/70

1 Squat Clean & Jerk @120/75

1 Squat Clean & Jerk @130/80

(6min cap)

>> Final

2 Squat Clean & Jerk @100/65

2 Squat Clean & Jerk @110/75

2 Squat Clean & Jerk @120/82.5

1 Squat Clean & Jerk @130/90

1 Squat Clean & Jerk @140/95

1 Squat Clean & Jerk @150/100

(7min cap)

On the sound of 3,2,1… Go! Competitors will work through the ladder as fast as possible. The fastest 16 males and females in the semi final will progress to and race through the final.


  1. This Event will be scored by time. Each repetition not completed under the time cap will add one second.


As stipulated above.


Squat Clean & Jerk:

The Barbell is to be loaded with the clips securely fastened. The competitor starts standing behind the bar, lifts the bar until the hips, knees and shoulders are in-line, at the same time the elbows must be in front of the Barbell. The competitor must Squat Clean whereby the barbell is received in a full squat hip crease below the top of the knee. The Jerk may be completed as a Shoulder to Overhead in anyway. The Barbell will move from the front rack position to a fully locked out overhead position, where the hips, knees, shoulders and elbows are locked out and inline. And the feet are placed side by side under the hips. The repetition is complete when locked out overhead under control. The competitor may clean the bar and continue from the front rack position to locked out overhead without extending during the clean. This is a two-phase movement.